2020年12月27日 星期日

🕵🤵🏼🦠🧬🧪💉 一些騙子改變了比爾‧蓋茨的2020 TED演講,以刪掉了他的揭示性預測,即「我們很快將需要數字疫苗」 Some chiseler has altered Bill Gates's 2020 TED talk to edit out his revealing prediction that - we will all soon need digital vaccine

     Robert F. Kennedy,Jr.- Int'l. Message for Freedom and Hope 小羅伯特‧肯尼迪:傳遞自由與希望的國際訊息 2020年11月4日

    How we must respond to the coronavirus pandemic - Bill Gates 我們如何應對冠狀病毒大流行? 比爾‧蓋茨 2020年3月25日

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.“Some chiseler has altered Bill Gates's 2020 TED talk to edit out his revealing prediction that we will all soon need digital vaccine… ” 羅伯特‧肯尼迪(Robert F. Kennedy Jr.):「一些鑿子改變了比爾‧蓋茨(Bill Gates)的2020 TED演講,以刪掉了他的揭示性預測,即我們很快將需要數字疫苗……」 2020-12-09

    Gates and his minions insist the billionaire never said we'd need digital vaccine passports. But in a June 2020 TED Talk, Gates said exactly that. Someone edited out the statement, but CHD tracked down the original.

    Some chiseler altered Bill Gates' June 2020 TED Talk to edit out his revealing prediction that we will all soon need digital vaccine passports (slide 1). But after considerable effort, we tracked down the original video (slide 2).

    Gates' minions on cable and network news, his public broadcasting, social media and fact-checker toadies all now insist that Gates never said such things. They say he never intended to track and trace us with subdermal chips or injected tattoos.

    They dismiss such talk as “conspiracy theories.”

    In 2019, according to a not-yet-purged Scientific American article, Gates commissioned the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to build an injectable quantum dot dye system to tattoo stored medical info beneath children's skin. The tattoo was designed to be readable by an iPhone app.

    Gates' company, Microsoft, has patented a sinister technology that uses implanted chips with sensors that will monitor body and brain activity. It promises to reward compliant humans with crypto currency payments when they perform assigned activities.

     (Netizens responded 網友回應:)
     The original Bill Gates and Melinda Gates were killed in 2013. They were killed by African families that they injected with their poison and their kids ended up paralyzed. So the tribes people got together and hung them. So this new bill and Man-linda Gates are imposters. Why hasn't the same thing happened these two? Funny how it's mainly just Bill Gates talking now. It looks like Kevin Kline was playing Melinda Gates.
     最初的比爾‧蓋茨和梅琳達‧蓋茨於2013年被殺害。他們被非洲家庭殺害,他們注入了毒藥,他們的孩子最終癱瘓了!部落的人們聚集在一起,將他們吊死。因此,這個新比爾和曼琳達‧蓋茨是冒名頂替者。為什麼這兩個沒有發生相同的事情?有趣的是,現在主要是比爾‧蓋茨在講話。看來Kevin Kline在扮演梅琳達‧蓋茨。 ~☕

    12/11/2020 Yes!Bill Gates Said That. Here's the Proof - Children's Health Defense 【兒童健康防禦】是的!比爾‧蓋茨曾經有說過!這就是證明。 2020年12月11日

